A Bharatnatyam Dancer/Natyakarini always starts and ends every session of dance with a Namaskaram or Obeisance. The dancer pays her respect to Lord Nataraja, the god of dance, to the Guru and to the Audience. In the Bharatnatyam dance form there exists a rich tradition of devotional pieces in praise of many God and Goddesses of the Hindu religion and mythology. As such there are many items dedicated to Lord Shiva, Today we try to understand an often played Shloka in praise of Lord Nataraja, the Lord of Dance. It’s a practice to recite the following shlokas before doing the namaskram. This shlokas is in praise of Lord Nataraja who is the embodiment of the four Abninayas.. Angikabhinaya, Vachikabhinaya, Aharyabhinaya, Satvikabhinaya. ------------------------------- Natya Shloka ------------------------------- “Aangikam Bhuvanam Yasya Vachikam Sarva Vaanmayam Ahaaryam Chandra Taaradi Tam Vande Sattwikam Shivam” Let us simply understand th...
This blog is a very humble attempt to share the information I have learned about bharatanatyam the indian classical dance form.